The Basics
Floatation is an incredible means of achieving deep physical and mental relaxation as well as a whole host of other benefits from increased creativity to chronic pain relief.
When you float, you lie in a specially designed 8ft X 5 ft pod filled with a 10” salt-water solution. The water and air inside the tank are heated to skin temperature and, with over 1000lb of Epsom salt dissolved in the water, you are able to float effortlessly without the burden of gravity acting on your body.
Zero-gravity on Earth!!
The purpose of floatation is to free you from the often overwhelming flood of sensory input we have to process every second of every day. This unique environment allows your body and mind to experience a previously unimaginable level of relaxation in a weightless environment.
A Unique Environment
At Float Level, the rooms are soundproofed and, with the lid of the pod closed, you have an environment in which your normal senses of sight, sound, touch and smell are significantly reduced.
This creates an incredible and scientifically proven space for deep relaxation, which provides significant relief from stress and physical pain as well as access to, what scientists refer to as, primary process thinking which encourages enhanced creative thought patterns.
As neuroscientist and floatation pioneer John C. Lilly M.D. said,
“(when you float) one has immediately freed up very large masses of neurons from the necessity of constant computations.”
Get a new perspective on that problem at work, rekindle that creative spark or just enjoy the peace and quiet. What you do with this spare capacity is up to you!